Conversational Help Desk for the Pace of Digital Business

Foqal Agent is a next generation support ticketing and operations platform that works natively with Slack and Microsoft Teams. We help you elevate your customer service with modern conversation-based ticketing, workflow automation and analytics that all work within your Slack and Teams environment.

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Reduce the Cost of 5-Star Customer Service

Slack on its own isn’t a workflow. And as service channels and casual messaging within corporate walls proliferates, catching every user request becomes a needle-in-the-haystack moment.  With Foqal Agent you have the tools to create workflows, manage user requests and automate responses.

Messaging-based Ticketing

With Foqal Agent customers can open a service ticket within Slack or Teams with zero effort or education. Service managers can convert conversations into tickets. And you can integrate and manage email and Web chat channels within Slack.

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Workflow Automation

Foqal Agent gives you control to manage Slack conversations and tickets with workflow automations that streamline your operations and improve customer service response times.  Foqal integrates with a host of support and IT tooling to create automated workflow for:

  • Integrating requests from email and web chat Routing tickets to agents and service deck teams
  • Resolving user issues based on previous resolutions and support docs
  • Manager approvals
  • Managing user communication across channels and groups
  • Provisioning user access and services


Foqal Agent keeps an eye on every conversation so you can measure your support and service desk operations performance. You can analyze types of tickets as well as your agent and support operations performance. You can even set service-level targets for different channels where workflow automations are triggered when breeched. Foqal’s integrated rating surveys allows you to measure customer satisfaction with each engagement too.

By installing Agent you agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

Integrate with Your CRM

Many organizations have a CRM or main ticketing system that other teams work with and serves as the main system of reporting.  Foqal bi-directionally syncs with Zendesk, Salesforce and Intercom to ensure you are providing a seamless service experience.

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Discover How Foqal Can Increase Your Customer Service Productivity

Want to find out how Foqal can make your Slack support more efficient?